"Carolyn Stevenson is a wonderful therapist. She really helped me through a difficult patch in my life. I had never been to a therapist before, but found that her warm sense of humor and keen listening skills created a safe space for me to talk about whatever was on my mind. Because she has worked in a variety of academic settings, with students as well as professors, she is very familiar with the particular pressures of academic life. I also appreciated her familiarity with meditation and mindfulness practices. I always left our sessions feeling like she had helped me gain some new insight or that she had shared some practical methods for coping with daily stress and anxiety. I would strongly recommend her as a therapist."
- former client

"I came to Carolyn because I was going through an enormous life/career change. At that time I was anxiety ridden and could not stop replaying and brooding over recent events. From my very first appointment I was impressed at how carefully Carolyn listened to my underlying concerns and how empathetic she was regarding what I had just been through. Carolyn is wicked smart, down to earth, and has a great sense of humor. These qualities made it easy for me to open up to Carolyn and provided me with a great resource for both ideas and self-examination. With Carolyn’s help I was able to face my new challenges head on. Today, the anxiety and brooding have subsided and I feel far more centered than I have in years. "
- former client

"Working with Carolyn has changed my life. She is excellent at guiding and managing the therapeutic process by listening, giving insight, being honest, taking notes and providing concrete tools. In my case, she has given me a toolbox filled with techniques, behaviors and tasks to help me manage depression effectively. This has freed me to live a happier, healthier and more intentional life. Carolyn is fair, patient and kind. If and when you are ready to fully engage in the therapeutic process, and put in the personal work necessary, she will help you get to the place you truly want to be."
- former client

"I cannot speak highly enough of Carolyn, her method, and the relationship we built through therapy. I came to Carolyn in a moment of personal crisis. She helped me work through that period of acute stress and learn skills for managing anxiety longer term. Carolyn's approach -- which eschews quick diagnoses in favor of deep reflection and dialogue -- helped me understand myself better and accept myself despite my flaws and errors. Carolyn is extremely attentive, thoughtful, and non-judgmental, and the process of building a trusting relationship through therapy helped me learn how to be more open and vulnerable with myself and other people. I came to Carolyn feeling trapped by my own and others' expectations of who I was and should be. I feel so much lighter and more confident today, and I owe much of that growth to my work with Carolyn. I feel truly lucky to have been able to work with her."
- former client

"Finding solutions to everyday problems one is aware of is one thing, but finding the guidance and encouragement to tackle these issues from an entirely new perspective is not easy without help. Luckily, my wife and I found Carolyn last year, initially to improve communication between ourselves, I myself found solutions to problems I had not faced in years. Carolyn's relaxed manner and genuine compassion made it very easy to open up to her even during the height of the pandemic where only remote contact was required. Since arriving here in Durham five years ago, I can honestly say my life has taken a much brighter turn; I've found the inspiration to land a great job, my everyday mood has improved, and I have a better outlook towards my future. I would absolutely encourage anybody feeling frustrated or stuck with their life here to give Carolyn a call."
- former client

"My time working with Carolyn has helped me tremendously. She creates a relaxed environment where you can explore the full range of emotion and experiences of your life. As a therapist, she gracefully balances caring and non-judgment with humor and direct challenges. Our sessions are dynamic, as she invites me to seek out actively the work I need to do. We have talked about things I have long been afraid to say out loud, and through talking those things lose their power over me. Carolyn supports me with issues of grief and identity, teaching and encouraging me to be more compassionate to myself. I take her lessons and her "homework" into my daily interactions, and it has helped make some real change in my life."
- former client

"Working with Carolyn has been wonderful for us. Her gentle, thoughtful approach has made us both comfortable as we've dealt with grief over the loss of a child and issues in our relationship. She's able to take time in a couples setting to care for our needs individually and as a couple. Our sessions always feel productive, sometimes in surprising ways. We regularly learn something new, gain a new insight, or just find an unexpected moment of joy and humor. We're very happy with what we've accomplished with Carolyn and very thankful for her help. We would recommend her highly."
- former client

"Before I began meeting with Carolyn, I had true goal that many people have when they start therapy: to get help coping with personal problems that had arisen in my life. I was putting out small fires as they popped up, and I thought professional support would help me manage that better.
As it turned out, I was thinking too small. I had not realized that I was sleepwalking; I had not hoped for transformation. Never pushing me, only guiding and questioning and helping me listen to my own answers, Carolyn helped me realize that I needed the big fire, the kind that clears the way for new growth. And she helped me ensure that it was a controlled burn instead of a conflagration. She was right there with me, helping me understand that I am strong enough. I have never been more grateful for the life's work of another person than I am for hers."
- former client

"I have found Carolyn to be really good at adapting to my style. She can phrase things in a way that I am best able to listen to them and suggest actions that fit with my personality and that I'd actually do. In our sessions, she achieves a good balance between listening to my stories and giving me feedback and suggestions. She's good at keeping track of what we've been talking about, even if it's been a long time between sessions, and bringing up issues from past sessions that merit more discussion. She also helped me with outside tools and resources to help me outside of our sessions."
- former client

"When I first met Carolyn, I was 41 and life had thrown me a curveball. I didn't see a path forward and was fighting against a future I could not have expected. I had never been to therapy and didn't think there was much that Carolyn could do for me; I couldn't have been more wrong. She was patient, smart, kind, and sensitive, guiding me into new ways of thinking without ever pushing me. It's one year later now, and my outlook on my new life has done a complete 180. My situation didn't change; but with Carolyn's help, I did. I could not recommend her more highly."
- former client

"I have found Carolyn to be a great help with my issues, and I believe we have together been able to address a lot of the roots of the issues in order to make positive change. From Carolyn, I've learned useful and often simple tools to get through difficult situations more easily. She is a calming presence, wise, thoughtful and focused. She has often been able to guide me to a better understanding of my problems. I am grateful for the time I've been able to be working with Carolyn as it has been very helpful getting me back 'on the rails.'"
- former client

"Carolyn has provided concrete tools and guidance to help me through a couple of difficult periods in my life. She is incredibly perceptive and processes information remarkably fast. I don't feel like I have to spend a lot of time explaining myself. She listens carefully and I'm often impressed by how she seems to pick up on things I haven't even articulated fully, getting straight to the core of an issue. She focuses on offering solutions, for example suggesting exercises to help change habits. Personally, I much prefer this to talking in an unstructured way, which can feel aimless. With Carolyn, I always feel like I'm getting somewhere, and I get a lot of value out of her sessions. I cannot recommend her services highly enough."
- former client

"Carolyn's office is a cozy refuge where you are just as likely to laugh as to cry. With her warm, caring, and attentive ear, she will gently lead you to theraputical epiphanies, whether you are having a crisis or just trying to get through the week. Also, if your mental health issues are exacerbated by social injustice and/or the patriarchy, Carolyn is definitely the right therapist to see."
- former client

"Working with Carolyn was so helpful! Just one hour a week. My first time in therapy I thought I was there because I had given up; at the time I didn't realize how brave I was being to face my unhappiness in a constructive way. In one hour a week I learned piece-meal how to counter and overcome a depressive way of thinking. After deciding to be happy it was possible to attain it through accepting my depression and opening to others in ways that would lead to healing. In developing my own sense of space and sanity, I was able to become the student, friend, and person that I wanted to be."
- former client

"Carolyn is such a caring and genuine and wonderful therapist. I can't express how much my work with Carolyn has helped me. I'm able to handle my anxiety and depression and issues with my family in much healthier ways. I feel really present to my life and my relationships with everybody in my family have improved so much. It's not that I'm happy all the time, or enjoy where I am all the time, but I'm ok with that now, and I am present so much more of the time, and so much more able to recognize when I feel sad, or angry, or happy. I think my work with Carolyn was very, very successful in a way that I really never imagined it could be."
- former client

"I first met Carolyn two years ago when I was in the middle of several big life changes. I thought that having regular therapy would help me handle these stressful transitions more smoothly, which it did, but I could not have predicted the much larger effect that Carolyn has had on my life as a whole. I have seen her regularly for individual therapy, and for a few sessions with my husband for couple's therapy. Through her insightful and compassionate questions, Carolyn has helped me see bigger issues from my past and present that were negatively impacting me every day. Over the past two years she has helped guide my personal understanding and growth in ways that have improved my marriage, my work, my spiritual life. Throughout this entire process, Carolyn's support has never wavered. She has a kind and gentle demeanor that complements her insightful intellect. She has a gift for encouraging you to examine your behaviors in ways you have never done before, without ever being overbearing or pushy. I would unreservedly recommend Carolyn for anyone seeking therapy."
- former client

"Working with Carolyn changed my life. Through our sessions, she taught me meditation and self-care, and gradually I came to know myself and establish a new, and happier, baseline. I never would have thought I would be where I am now -- a great relationship and exciting career -- and and it really is due to Carolyn's unending patience with me, and the genuine support she provided."
- former client

"I have counseled with Carolyn in 2008-2009 and again in 2020-2021. I was thrilled she was still available for this most recent time frame. Her style is warm and understanding. She has helped me through alot of emotional issues and promotes needed self reflection. I had more than a few 'Aha' moments about patterns and people in my life. She has helped validate my struggles and has helped me with boundary issues. After reaching out to her for the second time in 2020, it felt like no time had passed. I feel like she is rooting for me!!"
- former client

"Carolyn did a wonderful job and I can't thank her enough. I thought her approach was very good for me. I liked that she didn't just listen to me without speaking. Instead, she offered actual tangible advice for how to deal with situations and we had comfortable conversations."
- former client

"Carolyn is incredibly adept at weaving strategy, technique and genuine caring into what are highly effective sessions. Employing mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, working assignments and open discussion, Carolyn fosters an open yet structured environment. Working with Carolyn has transformed the way I think, process and communicate, and I'm grateful for the integral role she's played in my life. In school, they don't teach us how to properly think and process events and emotions. Carolyn has taught me something I wish I had known 20 years ago, but it's never too late to learn!"
- former client

"Carolyn Stevenson has made a huge difference in my life. My therapy with her helped me through my divorce, one of the toughest emotional experiences of my life. Her compassion and intelligence continue to feed my development and lead me to better understanding of myself and the people around me."
- former client

"My husband and I came to Carolyn for couple's counseling. She helped us through a time of crisis in our marriage, and helped us regain solid footing through insights that we'll use for a lifetime. Carolyn has a great sense of humor, so our sessions were filled with laughter, not just tears! We found her to be gentle, caring, down-to-earth, and quick witted. She was great at making connections, remembering details from previous sessions, and coming up with solutions and ideas that fit our individual personalities. My husband and I still ask, "what would Carolyn say?" during trying moments. I use the techniques she taught me throughout everyday life, not just when things feel hard. I can't recommend her enough."
- former client

"We started going to Carolyn soon after we got engaged. We agreed that premarital counseling was an excellent opportunity to strengthen the relationship before the big day. We weren't having any problems or anything when we went in, but nonetheless Carolyn has helped us see our way through hectic wedding planning, major career decisions, and helped us uncover some of the little details that shape our personalities and impact our relationship both positively and negatively. Carolyn has helped us grow closer during one of the busiest times in our lives and we're incredibly grateful. Thanks, Carolyn!"
- former client

"My life has changed so much -- I've gotten off drugs for several years, I'm much more compassionate with myself and am enjoying a slower pace now. Through it all, the tools Carolyn taught me have been invaluable, and I use them every day. She taught me gentleness and thoughtfulness; appreciation and growth for the good times; self-care, CBT and patience through the bad. I'm always grateful for having learned such important tools. Carolyn has had a great impact. I can't thank her enough!"
- former client

"I saw Carolyn for a little over a year, and so much has changed for the better, which is due in large part to my sessions with her. I met Carolyn after a very dark period in my life. My perception of myself has always been unduly harsh and it has caused me great bouts of anxiety, depression, and self-sabotage. I was truly my own worst enemy. Through our sessions, she's helped me give a name to all my cognitive distortions and learn to exercise some control over them. We then slowly but surely worked toward getting to the root of issues I never even knew I had. Her knowledge, insight, and compassion have been transformative for me."
- former client

"I saw Carolyn for many years to help my relationship and for grief counseling. I have enjoyed Carolyn's style of active listening and her reflective homework ideas. She asks insightful questions that help you to think about something in a new way or to help you figure out how you got to your frame of thinking in the first place. I enjoyed going to see Carolyn and I felt like I could talk to her about anything."
- former client

"Working with Carolyn really, really helped. I now feel fortified to face my life and the big decisions ahead of me. Prior to therapy, I felt stuck in a couple of my key relationships and unsure of what to do. With Carolyn's patient, keen listening and support, I now understand what I want to do and I have a much greater sense of confidence."
- former client

"I sought help from Carolyn after recent world and political events left me feeling hopeless and full of despair. Somehow I managed to berate myself for my own feelings of hopelessness even though world events were completely outside of my control. Carolyn talked to me about my goals for therapy; I told her I wanted to dislike myself less. Through my work with Carolyn, I have come to realize that I am valuable. I realize that I can make myself feel valued and cared for by taking small actions, like going for a short walk or listening to music I love. I have even been able to have a difficult conversation with one of my parents about our political differences, something I had never been able to do in my life. I feel better about myself than I ever have thanks to the work I've done with Carolyn."
- former client

"I worked with Carolyn on several areas of my life: challenges in the workplace, interpersonal relationships, improving my day to day habits to work towards short and long term goals, and getting to know how my mind works so that I can best support and recognize my needs. I am far happier and more organized than I was before seeing Carolyn. I have developed a better sense of self that has prepared me to deal with unexpected difficulties that life may throw my way. Carolyn has provided me with insightful tools and methods that have lead me to professional success, stronger and more valuable relationships, and clarity in resolving complex issues that no longer prevent me from becoming the person I want to be."
- former client

"Carolyn has supported me in individual counseling with her support and guidance. In my work with her, I have found that the safe place she creates for her clients means that it feels okay to explore our experiences and the many things we may be dealing with in our lives and that they can be interconnected. I've found it helpful knowing she believes that all people may need support, but especially more marginalized people in society. I appreciate that Carolyn can make reflections on what I may be thinking about that are particularly concise yet meaningful. Carolyn's genuineness provides for a deeper therapeutic relationship where learning and growth are possible."
- former client

"As a recently married couple expecting our first child, my husband and I were facing serious challenges as our life together became as 'real' as it had ever been. Specifically, we struggled with successfully managing conflict resolution in the midst of our newfound roles as parents in addition to life partners, who may not have acknowledged or been fully conscious of some of our challenges in the past. Carolyn has challenged us to be better partners to each other and, importantly, to seek to better understand ourselves in the overall context of our relationship. It has taken time, patience, and hard work, but here we are -- on the other side of a conflict that could have ended our marriage, but instead, has made us stronger as a couple committed to spending our lives together, and as individuals. This experience has saved our marriage. Needless to say, we will always be grateful for it!"
- former client

"Carolyn has worked with me through a difficult divorce, becoming a single-parent, having a child with ADHD, and also my own depression and anxiety. Having her in my life dramatically changed things when I was at my lowest point. She has helped help me to become a better person, parent, partner, etc. It is always difficult to open up to someone, especially someone that you don't know. I have always felt immensely comfortable with Carolyn. I would recommend her to anyone that is struggling or just needs someone to listen. She is wonderful."
- former client

"My sessions with Carolyn were very helpful! They enabled me to think more productively about the issues I'm dealing with. I'm handling my anxiety in a healthier way, and I was able to reduce it significantly. I'm now able to look at situations in a more positive way, which helped me work through difficult things more easily. Overall, my anxiety and depression are much lower than when I began."
- former client

"Carolyn helped me navigate the hardest time in my life. She lends a sympathetic ear and offers keen insights, and does so with grace and humor. Her organic approach has given me concrete practices to meet life goals as well as encouraged me to dig deep into hard places. I looked forward to our sessions. She made our time together feel authentic and comfortable while delivering lasting therapeutic impact."
- former client

"The spring of 2016 was very challenging for me and I found myself struggling emotionally, particularly with feelings of depression and anxiety. Thankfully, I recognized these feelings were impeding my day-to-day life and I sought professional help. Within a few minutes of my first session with Carolyn, it was clear to me that she was a skilled listener and trained sounding board. It can be hard to open up to a stranger, but her open and nonjudgmental approach made me comfortable to discuss even my most painful thoughts and feelings. Over our time together, Carolyn served as an invaluable resource both in providing objective advice and helping me cope with feelings of depression and anxiety."
- former client

"Carolyn has been an amazing outlet for me and someone I can trust to not only listen to me but give the guidance I need. She has a great way of asking questions in a way that forces me to think about WHY I am feeling a certain way. Allowing me to verbalize, and acknowledge the reasons for the thought or feeling. We don't actively ask ourselves what is making us feel the way we feel. We just feel it, negative, positive, it's just felt. But the why is not normally part of that feeling. She has given me the tools to identify what is making me feel the way I feel, and the tools to help get through the situation. Carolyn is a very caring, compassionate person and has proven to be dedicated to helping others."
- former client

"Carolyn has been a great help to me. In fact, I think I have grown more through therapy than any of my classes. With her support, I was able to address many of the issues that made me physically ill for the last 5 years and gain agency in my life again."
- former client

"Carolyn is smart, insightful and a very good listener. She was able to help me notice negative thoughts and she gave me concrete, actual ways to change my behavior and to think about things in a different way. All of this has helped me be much less negative with myself. She has a relaxed, comfortable style that's also very direct and kind. I like that she can acknowledge my Native American Identification but doesn't mystify it or stereotype it. I am able to feel comfortable discussing my own comfort/discomfort that I deal with surrounding my identity which would not be possible with many other people. I feel that she is empathetic and can understand lots of what I am saying. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her and there are many ways she has been helpful that I can't necessarily explain. I was able to build trust with her which is something with which I struggle."
- former client

"My fiancé (now wife) and I started seeing Carolyn about 6 months before our wedding. There were no specific problems we wanted to work on, but rather we wanted to make sure we continued to have an open dialogue as a couple and work with a counselor who could get to know us and help us when problems did arise. Since then, as a couple we have gotten married, bought a car, changed jobs, bought a house, got pregnant, and dealt with a sick dog. Through it all Carolyn has helped talk us through these issues, hear both sides of the story when we have different stories to tell, and helped us maintain our strong relationship without ever wavering. More often than not we leave a session saying to each other, "I'm so thankful we go to counseling," because we understand how important it's been to our relationship. Carolyn has been exactly what we were looking for when we searched for counseling, and it's only made our strong relationship even stronger."
- former client

"I came to Carolyn when I was experiencing an extremely painful episode of anxiety in my life. Everything seemed bleak. Everything seemed dark. After engaging in intensive therapy with Carolyn, I felt much better. Through therapy we were able to unmask into the reasons behind my anxiety. Carolyn created a supportive environment where I have felt comfortable opening up to her. Life is much better for me now. Carolyn has given me the tools to see what I truly want in life and has given me the confidence to take positive action in my life. I highly recommend her."
- former client

Contact us to schedule a time.